Invitation & Challenge 2

Discipleship is a process of knowing how to calibrate invitation and challenge through the different phases of the journey. Tool Video Notes Tool Discipleship is a process of knowing how to calibrate invitation and challenge through the different phases of the journey. MARK 1:17, 3:14, 6:7 Jesus gave a vision for the journey that he […]
2.15 Character and competence
2.13 Empowered for Mission (Eph 4) – Gifts for Community and Mission

We can equip people to grow in life & mission in different ways. A key to helping people find their voice and place in mission and community Tool Video Notes Tool A key to helping people find their voice and place in mission and community Different people learn to contribute in different ways EPHESIANS 4:7 […]
2.10 The Psalm 23 Journey

Wilderness/valley experiences are a crucially important part of life Tool Video Notes Tool Wilderness/valley experiences are a crucially important part of life LUKE 3:21-22, 4:1, 4:14 KEY IDEAS To disciple someone we need to know what “valleys” will come Walking with people is the key We grow through valley/wilderness experiences ACTIONWhat challenges are you facing? […]
2.7 Awareness and Application
1.15 Invitation & Challenge (Matt)

Discipleship is a process of knowing how to calibrate invitation and challenge through the different phases of the journey. Tool Video Notes Tool Discipleship is a process of knowing how to calibrate invitation and challenge through the different phases of the journey. MATTHEW 14:13 –21 Retreat is connected to grief about John’s death and rest […]
1.4 Jesus’ Disciple-making Strategy (Luke)

Start with people of peace Calibrate invitation and challenge to help deepen their learning and propel them forward Tool Video Notes Tool Start with people of peaceCalibrate invitation and challenge to help deepen their learning and propel them forward LUKE 6:12-16; 11:1-4; 18:1 KEY IDEAS CATALYST – what can I start, spark and initiate? What […]