Learning Circle 2
The circle shows us what it means to live a lifestyle of learning as a disciple of Jesus. Tool Video Notes Tool The circle shows us what it means to live a lifestyle of learning as a disciple of Jesus. HELPFUL QUESTIONS FOR OBSERVE/REFLECT What is getting your attention? What scares/excites you? What are you […]
The Person of Peace Strategy (Matt 9) – Simple, Repeatable, Transferrable
If it’s simple/repeatable/transferable it multiplies If it doesn’t multiply it’s not what Jesus started Tool Video Notes Tool If it’s simple/repeatable/transferable it multiplies If it doesn’t multiply it’s not what Jesus started MATTHEW 9:9-13 Jesus invited his “few” first He always made obedience simple He mobilised His disciples as quickly as possible KEY IDEAS Invest […]
Paul's Discipleship Strategy 2 – Making disciples who make disciples
Paul learns to disciple people to faith, to live by faith, and to become disciple-makers themselves. Tool Video Notes Tool They discipled people to faith and to live by faith Simple obedience and rapid mobilisation are key ACTS 14:1-7, 21-25 Not everyone was a POP They kept following relational pathways in Galatian communities They intentionally […]
2.11 Review: People of Peace (Acts 13)
Paul learned and followed Jesus’ strategy He followed relational pathways to find the People of Peace Tool Video Notes Tool Paul learned and followed Jesus’ strategy He followed relational pathways to find the People of Peace ACTS 13:1-7, 12- 15, 48-52 (LUKE 10) Barnabas led the team and they learned the POP strategy They went […]
2.2 Following Relational Pathways (Acts 16-17)
We follow relational pathways to find people of peace & places of grace/favour/invitation. Tool Video Notes Tool Walking close to God with prayer and obedience will help you find the POP. God wants you to find the POP! ACTS 16:11-15, 40 The Sabbath & a place of prayer were the obvious time & place to […]