2.15 Character and competence
2.14 5 Fold Spiritual Gifts: Up, In, Out
2.13 Empowered for Mission (Eph 4) – Gifts for Community and Mission

We can equip people to grow in life & mission in different ways. A key to helping people find their voice and place in mission and community Tool Video Notes Tool A key to helping people find their voice and place in mission and community Different people learn to contribute in different ways EPHESIANS 4:7 […]
2.8 Rhythm of Rest

It really is possible to do less and have a greater impact. We need to learn some simple principles to create space in our lives for God to move. Tool Video Notes Tool It is possible to achieve more and do less Greater impact by doing less connects directly to missional impact JOHN 15:1 –8 […]
2.7 Awareness and Application
2.6 Begin with the End in Mind: 4 Generations
2.4 5Vs: Shaping Culture
2.1 Growth as a By-Product
Jesus always trained people the same way. Content is not the most important part of the process. Tool Video Notes Tool Jesus intends for us to disciple like Him. God is already at work. MARK 9:1 –10 Jesus trains the 12 in the POP strategy This is like a “mini great commission” Rapid mobilisation is […]